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Get ready for ADE 2024 with Custom Made Hearing Protection!

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custom-made hearing protection

The Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE) is once again upon us! From October 16-20, 2024, Amsterdam will once again be the place where electronic music fans from all over the world come together for an unforgettable experience. With the best DJs and parties at unique venues, ADE is an event you don't want to miss. But with so much great music at high volumes, it's also important to take good care of your ears!

Why hearing protection? Your ears are vulnerable, especially at a festival like ADE where the music is often rock loud. Exposure to too much noise can lead to hearing damage, which unfortunately can be permanent. The solution? Custom-made hearing protection that filters the sound without you missing out on the quality of the music.

Laat je oordoppen op maat nu aanmeten! Dit is hét moment om gehoorbescherming te laten aanmeten, zodat je optimaal kunt genieten van ADE zonder je zorgen te maken over gehoorschade. Bij audinc.eu maken wij gehoorbescherming die perfect past en speciaal is ontworpen om je oren te beschermen in omgevingen met veel lawaai, zoals een festival of concert.

How it works. The process is simple:

  1. Schedule an appointment with us for an impression of your ears.
  2. We make you custom-made hearing protection.
  3. Within a few days you will have your personal hearing protection at home, ready for ADE!

Don't wait until it's too late and your ears pay the price for a great weekend. Make sure you are prepared and enjoy ADE 2024 with the best hearing protection available!

Make an appointment now and use the discount code ADE2024!

Protect your hearing, enjoy the music.

Check out our custom music earplugs here


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