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Sleep better | Good earplugs make this possible

Sleep better

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Did you know that good earplugs can not only protect your hearing, but also ensure better sleep? This while also being comfortable? Provided you use the right kind, of course. We will explain exactly how this works in this blog.

We probably all know that a good night's sleep is very important. Not only for your body, but also for your mental state of mind. When you sleep badly, your mood, memory and ability to concentrate can suffer. All things you would probably prefer to avoid.

Yet there are many people who sleep moderately or even very badly. This can be due to many things, but often noise is the cause. Think of noise from neighbors, a snoring partner or a nearby railroad or highway.

In such cases, people often use earplugs, only rarely successfully. Although the sound is muffled, other problems come along with it. Think painful ears or earplugs that keep falling out. There are also many people who are afraid that because of the earplugs, they might not be able to hear fire alarms either.

The solution? Good earplugs!

Met goede oordopjes heb je deze problemen echter niet. Allereerst worden deze persoonlijk op jouw oren afgestemd. Hierdoor zitten ze niet alleen fijner, ze zullen ook goed in je oor blijven zitten. Wanneer je speciale slaap oordoppen op maat besteld dan krijg je oordopjes van zacht materiaal, waardoor ze ook tijdens het slapen comfortabel blijven.

As if that were not enough, the special filter ensures that important signals such as the alarm clock or an alarm can still be heard. It is only the noise that is muffled.

If you are curious about our sleep earplugs, please check out this page about sleep earplugs. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.


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