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Earplugs for sleeping | Are they safe?

Photo to illustrate Earplugs for Sleep

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A good night's sleep is essential, but unfortunately not obvious to everyone. Things like snoring and noise from the neighbors can make it difficult to fall asleep. Although earplugs for sleeping can offer a solution. The question is, are they actually safe?

We just read a report on Omroep Brabant of a woman who was rescued from a burning chalet by her dog. The person in question was apparently asleep when the house caught fire. Then the smoke alarm went off, but because of the earplugs she had in, she didn't hear it. Fortunately, there was also her dog, who became agitated by the fire and thus managed to wake his owner. As a result, the two managed to escape just in time.

An extraordinary story, but one thing that struck us: the fact that the earplugs prevented the woman from being able to hear the smoke alarm. After all, as a manufacturer of sleep plugs, we know that this is anything but.

Vandaar dat wij onze slaap oordoppen op maat ten alle tijde voorzien van een speciaal filter, dat hinderlijke geluiden dempt, maar ervoor zorgt dat je belangrijke alarmsignalen – zoals dus de rookmelder – nog steeds kunt horen. Al blijkt nu dat dit bij niet alle ”oordopjes voor slapen” het geval is. We weten niet wat voor soort oordoppen de persoon in het eerdergenoemde nieuwsbericht precies droeg, maar vermoedelijk was dit de universele soort. Hiermee bedoelen we oordoppen die niet op maat gemaakt zijn en bij iedereen passen.

Of course, this does not mean that all universal sleep earplugs are unsafe, but it does mean that with some you are at risk. Hence, we recommend everyone to choose custom-made earplugs. Not only when it comes to sleep, but also, for example, if you want custom-made earplugs for industry. After all, in such environments there may also be alarm signals or warnings from colleagues, which you would not hear with earmuffs, for example.


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