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100% Comfort Service & kwaliteit 100% Comfort
100% Comfort
100% Custom made
Service & quality

How does the fit guarantee work?

At Audinc, we make earplugs that are precisely tailored to the customer's ear canal. Basically, it doesn't matter here how old the person is. Or what kind of ears they have. Piercings, tubes or a narrow ear canal...there is almost always something for it.

Still, it may turn out that one of the earplugs does not initially fit 100% properly.

Should that happen, we will of course try to resolve it as soon as possible. For example, we may have to update the earplug. Or, in extreme cases, make a new one.

If this is reported in time, such adjustments are covered by the so-called fit guarantee and no charge will be made. Please ensure that complaints about the fit are reported to us within 6 months.

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