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Earplugs against snoring | It really works!

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When someone talks about earplugs, you probably quickly think of the kind you wear on a construction site or while going out. Although there are also people who wear hearing protection to sleep better. In many cases because of outside noise. Although there are also people who use earplugs against snoring. You can read more about this in this blog.

Earplugs against snoring

Many people these days want earplugs against snoring. Understandable, because it can be very annoying to lie next to someone who snores. One of our employees can relate to this. During the Assen motorcycle fair, our team slept together in a hotel room, where some people snored heavily. The person who was still awake could not get to sleep. Despite the fact that he was in possession of music pods, he did not have any.

This turned out to be a great loss, because with this form of hearing protection he would undoubtedly have been able to sleep better. This is because our sleep plugs filter snoring (and other noise) but do not prevent, for example, the alarm clock from being heard. This is because of the special filter that manages to stop only certain sounds. It is therefore not the case that literally all sound is blocked and you would no longer hear the fire alarm either.

So as far as we are concerned, ideal for a good night's sleep. Of course, you can also take the earplugs with you to the campsite or a hotel. It often happens that people sleep well at home, but not so well on vacation. Even then earplugs against snoring are a godsend. All our earplugs come with a handy storage pouch, so they are easy to take with you.

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