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Hearing protection

Audinc is a manufacturer of professional custom earplugs. Choose the custom hearing protection you are looking for below....

Hearing protection

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Audinc is a manufacturer of professional custom earplugs. Choose the custom hearing protection you are looking for below....

Why custom hearing protection from Audinc?

Our custom hearing protection is very comfortable and provides the best possible protection from loud noise.
By using quality materials, our custom-made earplugs last a very long time.
This is all in contrast to disposable earplugs or earmuffs.





In-ear Monitoring






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In-ear Monitoring

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Audinc makes professional custom earplugs for everyone.
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What are you looking for? Choose from our custom hearing protection made just for you.
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With our own specialists and manufacturing, we make the best custom hearing protection in the Netherlands.

Choose Audinc

If hearing protection is important to you, it is better to choose our custom-made hearing protectors. They protect your ears better against loud noises and are much more comfortable to wear.
Especially for everyone who comes into contact with loud noise more often, there is Audinc. We provide customized hearing protection for all kinds of applications.

Waar wegwerp-oordopjes snel gaan irriteren, kan je oordoppen op maat de hele dag door dragen. Je geeft je oren de bescherming die ze nodig hebben en geniet jarenlang van oordoppen die precies passen.
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Audinc hearing protection benefits

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The best hearing protection

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Perfect fit

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Own production

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Barely visible

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Different colors

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Friendly prices


Service points throughout the World

Anti-allergic material

Special filters

Includes convenient storage pouch

Special discount prices

Optimal wearing comfort

For everyday use

With speech intelligibility

With handles or strings

Pick up or shipping

At least 2 years warranty

Making an appointment for fitting

Easily make an appointment for an appointment at one of our locations

Prevent hearing damage

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With long-term and regular use of earplugs in areas where noise levels are high, it is always highly recommended to order custom-made hearing protection. Think of special earplugs for festivals and concerts, motorcycling, shooting sports, hobbying and for working in noisy conditions. That way you will always wear the best earplugs for your situation, which offer great wearing comfort and have the right fit.
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Choose the best sound filter

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Disposable earplugs and earmuffs also lack the special filters that ensure, for example, that you do hear colleagues' voices and warning sounds. That's not a nice thought. Nor is it nice work if you constantly have to take out your earplugs to hear your colleagues.

It is also not pleasant when during a festival or concert your earplugs cause you to hear the music much less well. With custom-made earplugs with special filters, you choose the right protection from loud noises, but you can still hear just what you need and want to hear.

Buy Perfect Earplugs

Do you work in a noisy environment, play in a band or sleep next to a snoring partner every night? Then disposable earplugs you buy at the supermarket or drugstore are not enough. They have a universal fit, making them uncomfortable. And because they fit poorly, they don't seal your ears off from all sound. As a result, especially in rooms with high noise levels, you're still at risk of hearing damage.

Order custom hearing protection?

Are you convinced and do you indeed want to buy earplugs from Audinc? You certainly won't regret it. After all, we love hearing so much that we have made it our business. Passionate professionals in the field of hearing protection, who also strive for the highest possible quality at a fair price.
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Choose Audinc


Professional custom-made earplugs. Fully compliant with legislation. Comfortable and tailored to your work environment. Our professionals visit companies throughout the Benelux for noise measurements, maintenance & control.

Custom hearing protection blog posts


Zwemmersoor Ga je geregeld zwemmen? Dan hoorde je ongetwijfeld al eens van een zwemmersoor. Maar…
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