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Motorcycle Earplugs

Protect your ears without excluding the environment

Motorcycle Earplugs

Protect your ears without excluding the environment

Motorcycle Earplugs

Minimum 2-year warranty

100% comfort

Fast delivery times

No hidden costs

The best motorcycle earplugs: Custom-made and with a unique attenuation filter

Our motorcycle earplugs are custom made, and have a very good sound filter.
Engine noise and wind noise can cause permanent damage to your hearing.
At 100 km/h, the noise level is often as low as 94 decibels! This while you can suffer hearing damage from as little as 80 dB.
Our motorcycle earplugs are custom made, and have a very good sound filter.
Engine noise and wind noise can cause permanent damage to your hearing.
At 100 km/h, the noise level is often as low as 94 decibels! This while you can suffer hearing damage from as little as 80 dB.

Are you looking for earplugs motorcycle? We have the best custom-made motorcycle earplugs, with many features.

You can't ride your motorcycle without earplugs

Audinc Hearing Protection Motorsport is specially designed to protect you from this.
The motorcycle earplugs are individually fitted by a professional and contain a unique attenuation filter. This filter attenuates harmful noise to a safe level while you continue to hear all traffic signals.
These motorcycle earplugs are therefore also ideal for kart drivers, racing drivers and convertible drivers.

Also connectable to external systems

Audinc Hearing Protection Motorsport can be worn comfortably under a helmet and is made of skin-friendly material. Our "motorcycle earplugs" are also available with an "earpiece," so you can continue to listen to your navigation system, communication devices or MP3 player.

Motorcycles make loud noise, and the harder the motorcycle rides, the louder that noise becomes. This has to do with the revs the engine turns and the wind rustling past the helmet. Even on short rides, you can be at risk of hearing damage. Below is a table of the risk you run during a motorcycle ride.

Source: Your GGD

SpeedAverage / Volume of wind noise under a helmet Maximum time without risk of hearing damage
100 km/h94 dB 15 minutes
120 km/h98 dB 7 minutes
140 km/h102 dB 3 minutes
160 km/h106 dB 90 seconds

Extra protection for the ears

Not all helmets protect you from hearing damage. In fact, even the more expensive helmets do not adequately protect your ears from wind noise in most cases. With special motorcycle earplugs you have extra protection for your ears.

Custom-made motorcycle earplugs

To make the perfect earplugs for you, we make a mold of your ear input. Based on this mold, we can make earplugs that fit exactly to the shape of your ears so no sound can leak out. Because of this personalized fit, you also won't be bothered by the earplugs when wearing a helmet. This makes longer rides more comfortable and safer.

Choose your own motorcycle earplugs

Wearing earplugs while motorcycling lowers the risk of permanent hearing damage. Get your own ears measured now for custom-made earplugs. Make your appointment here.

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What customers say about us

Frequently asked questions about Special motorcycle earbuds for you

How are custom-made earplugs measured & produced ?

Watch the video below:

How do I clean the earplugs engine?

To clean the motorcycle earplugs, we recommend special spray that does not affect the silicone of the plugs. We strongly advise against using soap, as it can corrode the silicone and cause the earplugs to become rough.

It may also be possible to use only some water and kitchen paper.

Do I feel the motorcycle earplugs while riding?

The motorcycle earplugs are custom-made. This means the earplug seals your ear canal seamlessly and your helmet goes over it easily. The earplugs fit so snugly that after a while you won't even feel them.

Is it safe to ride a motorcycle with earplugs?

Ja. Onze op maat gemaakte motor oordoppen beschermen je alleen tegen lawaai. Gelukkig kun je daarbij nog wel belangrijke verkeerssignalen waarnemen. Dit is mogelijk omdat deze oordopjes voorzien zijn van een speciaal filter dat je gehoor niet afsluit, maar het geluid alleen wat dempt.

Should the need arise, however, one can have a lighter or heavier filter inserted into the earplugs free of charge.

What do you prevent with earplugs while motorcycling?

Het dragen van op maat gemaakte oordoppen voorkomt dat de trilhaartjes in het oor beschadigd raken of afsterven.

Naast gehoorverlies kunnen beschadigde trilhaartjes er ook voor zorgen dat je last krijgt van tinnitus, ook wel oorsuizen genoemd. Dit is een aandoening die vele vormen kent. Een continu geluid horen, wat er in werkelijkheid niet is, heeft een enorme impact op een leven. Je hoort constant een piep, suis of in je oor of het geluid is iets wat herhaaldelijk op een dag terugkomt.

How long can you drive without risk of hearing damage?

Hoe lang je kunt motorrijden zonder kans op gehoorschade verschilt per situatie en snelheid. De ene keer is het na 15 minuten, maar de andere keer al binnen 90 seconden.


Als men met een snelheid van 100 km/u rijdt, dan kan er ongeveer 15 minuten gereden worden zonder gehoorschade op te lopen.


Mocht je echter 160 km/u rijden, dan kan er na 90 seconden al gehoorschade ontstaan.

My question is not listed, now what?

Please contact us and we will be happy to assist you!
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