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Hearing protection shooting sports

Professional ear protection

Hearing protection shooting sports

Professional ear protection

Hearing protection shooting sports

Minimum 2-year warranty

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Customized hearing protection especially for shooting sports

Custom Shoot: Inexpensive hearing protection
Cens: Professional hearing protection shooting sports
Active Shoot: Professional ear protection shooting sports made of acrylic
Custom Shoot: Inexpensive hearing protection
Cens: Professional hearing protection shooting sports
Active Shoot: Professional ear protection shooting sports made of acrylic

Hearing protection is one of the most important, but unfortunately also one of the most underrated, tools in shooting sports. Shielding your ears while shooting a pistol or rifle is important for several reasons, the main one being, of course, to protect your hearing itself. It is also essential when hunting, by the way. Here you can read more about hearing protection for shooting sports, its importance and the options at Audinc.Hearing protection is one of the most important, but unfortunately also one of the most underestimated tools in shooting sports. Shielding your ears while shooting a pistol or rifle is important for several reasons, the main one being, of course, to protect your hearing itself. It is also essential when hunting, by the way. Here you can read more about hearing protection for shooting sports, its importance and the options at Audinc.

Earplugs for shooting sports

Do you participate in shooting sports? Then you know that at the shooting club or while hunting, a lot of shots fly around your ears. Releasing a shot produces a lot of noise.

The sound level of a firearm is, on average, well above the pain threshold. As a result, you run a high risk of permanent hearing damage with every shot. This is why earplugs are an indispensable accessory during shooting sports.


How does hearing protection for shooting sports work?

Hearing protection for shooters comes in different forms:

  • Earplugs that you push into the entrance to your ears. You can also find custom hearing protection these days, which consists of a malleable material that hardens in your ears to form a perfectly fitting earplug.
  • Earmuffs, which you easily place over your ears and offer good protection against the sound of a gun. The ear cups on the inside of ear muffs consist of acoustically insulating material and feature soft pads that fit perfectly around the head.


The importance of hearing protection in shooting sports

Hearing protection during shooting sports is important to prevent hearing damage, both during peak and prolonged noise exposure. Both situations can cause hearing damage, which basically means that the cilia in the ears break down. The result is reduced hearing. This is often when you experience tinnitus, a persistent ringing in your ears.

When does hearing damage occur? It can occur at noise levels as low as 80 dB, if you are exposed to it for more than eight hours. The stronger the sound, the faster hearing damage occurs. At 120 dB, the pain threshold for your ears, hearing damage can even occur immediately.

The importance of hearing protection becomes even more apparent when you realize that the average sound production of a shot with a firearm is around 150 dB. Even very quiet weapons already produce 140 dB, and with the heaviest it is even 170 dB. In short, a shot from any weapon is above the pain threshold, which makes good hearing protection indispensable.

The best shooting sports hearing protection

So which hearing protection is best to choose for shooting sports? That depends on the weapon you use:

  1. Pistol shooters have enough with custom-made earplugs
  2. Rifle shooters make the best use of ear muffs that slope at the bottom so that the shells do not accidentally hit the butt of the weather. A good tip: It is also possible to wear earplugs and ear muffs at the same time. That way, your ears are exposed to another 5 dB less.

In fact, earplugs are not necessarily better than earmuffs, but they are usually more economical. Earplugs are a lot more comfortable for many people with prolonged use because the ears are less likely to heat up. Both earmuffs and earplugs are an efficient form of passive hearing protection in shooting sports.

It is important to note that there is indeed a difference between active and passion hearing protection:

  • Active hearing protection often features communication capabilities and other technologies. This form of hearing protection shields your ears from loud noises, but you can still hear ambient sounds to get your bearings.
  • Passive hearing protection, such as earplugs or earmuffs, protect your ears from noise only through a physical barrier. They cost a lot less than active protection, but are in fact no less effective.

Buy shooting sports hearing protection

Are you looking for the best hearing protection for shooting sports or hunting? Then you've come to the right place at Audinc. Our experts will not only help you with the best advice in your search for good hearing protection, but also offer customized solutions. Of course, we also offer standard hearing protection in various types and sizes.

Still unsure between active or passive hearing protection or want more information about hearing protection in shooting sports or hunting? Then feel free to contact us via telephone customer service, email, online chat or in-store.

At Audinc, we make appropriate and affordable hearing protection specifically for the shooting sports. You wear them while hunting or at the shooting club to focus on your target in peace.

Tailor-made for your ears

Of course, while practicing your favorite sport, your earplugs should feel comfortable and stay in place.

This is why we always custom make our earplugs for shooting sports. To do this, we take an impression of your ear canal. We then use the mold to make earplugs that fit the exact shape of your ears, giving you optimal protection against loud noise and keeping them firmly in place.

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Custom-made shooting sports hearing protection

What makes hearing protection for shooting sports different?

Hearing protection for shooters differs from ordinary earmuffs in several ways:

  • Higher attenuation of sharp and loud sounds, such as gunshots.
  • Reduced attenuation of ambient noise for safety reasons.
  • Customized solutions depending on the type of weapon one uses.

In short, ordinary earplugs or ear muffs are not enough to optimally protect your ears from the sound of a gunshot. Thus, custom earplugs or earmuffs are a vital tool for recreational and professional shooters or while hunting.

How are custom-made earplugs measured & produced ?

Watch the video below:

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