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Give earplugs as a gift!

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Buying an original Christmas gift remains a challenge. Where can you make someone happy these days? You might see something nice on the Internet, but it takes at least 3 weeks before it arrives. However, we have a potential solution for you.

Je hebt van die dingen die je altijd nog eens wilde kopen, maar waarbij het er maar niet van komt. Wij weten uit ervaring dat op maat gemaakte oordoppen vaak ook in die categorie vallen. Veel mensen willen wel graag oordoppen aanschaffen om hun oren te beschermen tijdens het uitgaan, maar het komt er steeds niet van. Herkenbaar?

That's why we offer gift certificates, which allow people to choose a set of earplugs. So you give your friend/partner/relative a voucher, which entitles them to a set of earplugs of their choice.

Je kunt kiezen uit meerdere varianten. Zo maken we muziek oordoppen op maat, voor zowel muzikanten als festivalbezoekers. Of oordoppen mensen die in de bouw werken. Tevens zijn slaap oordoppen op maat een optie om te geven.

The full list of earbuds can be found here.

By now you may be asking yourself "why would people want a gift card? Surely cash is just as convenient?" Although we don't quite agree. Because when you give money, chances are it will be spent on everyday items. With a gift certificate, you can be sure it will be spent at a specific party.

We have locations in Eindhoven, Amsterdam but can basically come to all addresses in the Netherlands and Flanders. In some cases only at a small additional cost, but given our wide clientele it is also possible that we will be in your area on a specific date.

Earplugs may not be as much fun as a puppy or brand new 4k television. Although it is original...and good for your ears.

If you are interested, feel free to contact us for the possibilities. Or order a gift certificate directly.


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