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Sleeping earplugs

For a good night's sleep

Sleeping earplugs

For a good night's sleep

Sleeping earplugs

Minimum 2-year warranty

100% comfort

Fast delivery times

No hidden costs

Our sleep earplugs combine the highest comfort with the best protection

Tailored for optimal comfort
Unique soft silicone material
Suitable for long-term and daily use
Tailored for optimal comfort
Unique soft silicone material
Suitable for long-term and daily use

Sufficient sleep is crucial to your health. Yet you often lie awake from all sorts of unwanted noises during the night. Think of a bed partner snoring, noisy neighbors and annoying traffic noises outside on the street. These unwanted decibels quickly lead to sleep deprivation.

You soon notice the unpleasant consequences of sleep deprivation. During the day, you walk around looking like a zombie. You feel groggy, stressed and overstimulated. In the long run, gloomy feelings and even burnout lurk around the corner.

So don't let your much-needed sleep be disturbed. Because why stay awake when there is a perfect solution? With sleep earplugs, you get back your undisturbed, deep sleep.

Sleeping earplugs attenuate all the disturbing noises that keep you awake at night. You'll fall asleep like a baby and wake up wide awake in the morning.

Custom made sleep earplugs

Do you also sometimes lie awake at night because of all that annoying noise? Then you have undoubtedly tried sleep earplugs. But maybe those standard earplugs were disappointing and you still heard all kinds of night sounds? Or are you bothered by that pressing feeling in your ears?

Then it's time for the real thing. So ditch those universal plugs and opt for custom-made sleep earplugs. Custom-made earplugs fit your ears perfectly. After all, they are made to the unique imprint of your ears. As a result, they stay in place silently at night and you sleep undisturbed until morning.

In addition to the comfortable fit, custom sleep earplugs have another important advantage. They are designed to filter out only unwanted background noise while you sleep. After all, you still want to hear important sounds such as your alarm clock, alarm and baby monitor.

Benefits of sleep earplugs

The first advantage of custom-made earplugs for sleeping is the perfect fit. After all, every ear is unique. Therefore, custom-made earplugs are perfectly tailored to your unique ear canal.

These custom-made earplugs are not only comfortable, but thanks to the perfect fit, they also seal off your ear from nighttime noise. This is why they dampen sound so much better than universal earplugs.

Custom fit sleep earplugs? It takes no time at all. But maybe you're still hesitant because of the cost? Then consider that custom-made earplugs definitely last longer than standard earplugs. After all, universal earplugs wear out pretty quickly.

Custom-made earplugs are therefore the logical choice if you are looking for a durable alternative. These earplugs are cut for long-term daily use. You also keep them clean easily. This way, you will enjoy your earplugs for an extra long time.

Earplugs for side sleepers

Sleeping on your side with standard earplugs before bed is not comfortable. Side sleepers often complain that these universal earplugs stick out of their ears or create an oppressive feeling on the pillow.

This too has been considered with our custom-made earplugs. In fact, these are made of soft, silicone material that molds perfectly to your ear canal.

De beste slaap oordoppen op maat

Audinc Sleep earplugs are commonly worn by people working night shifts and sleeping during the day. Of course, you can also wear these sleep earplugs when you want to read or study quietly. Of course, these sleep earplugs are also custom-made.

What customers say about us

What customers say about us

Frequently asked questions about Custom Sleep Earplugs

Is sleeping with earplugs safe?

It is perfectly safe to sleep with earplugs in, provided you consider the following 2 things:

1. Hygiene

Earplugs can get dirty after a while. If one continues to wear them despite this, it may cause irritation after a while.

Foam earplugs in particular have a bad reputation for ear infections. This is because these cheap disposable plugs are a breeding ground for bacteria. Prolonged use of these unsanitary foam plugs is already causing ear infections.

With custom-made earplugs, this is much less of an issue. Should they nevertheless get dirty, it is easy to clean them. In many cases, a piece of kitchen paper and some water is enough to clean them. Although we also have special cleaning spray available.

2. Hearing alarm signals.

Many people worry that wearing sleep earplugs will cause them to sleep through the alarm clock. Or not being able to hear the fire alarm anymore.

Fortunately, most earplugs still let the important alarm signals through.

However, do you want to make sure you are still able to hear the alarm clock? Then choose custom-made earplugs. These are specially designed to filter out annoying sounds, but ensure that the alarm clock and alarm can still be heard clearly.

Is it healthy to sleep with earplugs?

Sleep deprivation is no fun. Chronic fatigue produces serious side effects. Think stress, loss of concentration and memory, to even obesity and burnout.

Is your sleep deprivation due to noise pollution? Then consider wearing earplugs. This will let you sleep peacefully again, which will benefit your health.

You can have no problem sleeping with earplugs every night. If you choose durable, custom-made ones and clean them on time, of course.

What are the best earplugs to sleep with?

The best earplugs to sleep with? Those are custom-made earplugs anyway. In fact, this type of hearing protection is specially designed for a good night's sleep. They are comfortable thanks to their perfect fit and soft silicone material.

Naast hun aangename draagcomfort, sluiten deze slaapoordoppen je oren ook perfect af voor vervelende nachtgeluiden. Al ben je daarnaast nog instaat om de geluiden te horen die er wél toedoen. Want je wilt natuurlijk wel meteen wakker worden als de wekker, babyfoon of het alarm gaat.

Wat is het verschil tussen slaapoordoppen en gewone oordoppen?

Slaapoordoppen zijn specifiek ontworpen om geluid te dempen zonder te veel druk op je oren uit te oefenen. Ze zijn zachter, kleiner en comfortabeler dan reguliere oordoppen.

Onze andere op maat gemaakte oordoppen zijn weliswaar comfortabel, maar minder geschikt om op te liggen. Daarnaast kunnen ze na lang dragen (meer dan 5 uur achter elkaar) toch enigszins omcomfortabel worden.

Do I feel the sleep earplugs while wearing them?

Sleep earplugs are custom-made and do not stick out of your ears. This allows you to lie comfortably on your side without feeling pressure on or in your ear (shell).

In what situations can I use sleep earplugs?

Sleep earplugs are designed to feel comfortable while sleeping, anywhere. Whether you lie in your own bed or want to sleep on the plane or in the car on the road, it does not matter for comfort. So you can sleep undisturbed in any place.
The sleep earplugs can also possibly be worn during everyday life, such as on the train or when studying.

What can I still hear with sleep earplugs in?

The sleep earplugs feature an acoustic filter that attenuates ambient noise. The filters are designed so that you can still optimally hear warning sounds from your alarm clock, fire alarm or other emergency signals.

Are the sleep earplugs reusable?

Yes, you can basically use them every night.
What's more, we give you a minimum 2-year warranty on your sleep earplugs, allowing you to reuse your earplugs worry-free.

How long do the sleep earplugs last?

We provide at least 2 years warranty on your sleep earplugs. To enjoy your sleep earplugs longer, we recommend cleaning them regularly as directed and storing them in the packaging provided.

How do I store sleep earplugs?

Elke set slaap oordoppen wordt geleverd met een handige opberg etui. Zo voorkom je dat je oordopjes vies worden of kwijt raken. Mocht je deze etui kwijtraken, dan is deze eenvoudig bij te bestellen.

What if I lost a part of the sleep earbuds?

Lost one of your sleep earplugs? No problem, contact us and we'll see if we can send you a replacement cap.

How do I put the sleep earplugs in my ear?

When you put the sleep earplugs in for the first time, they may feel a little rough. For this we provide a special ointment so that the earplugs slide in easily. After a few times, the ointment is no longer needed and you can get them in your ear without any effort.

Are the sleep earplugs also suitable for children?

At Audinc, we make earplugs for all ages, but with young children it can sometimes be a challenge.

For example, we use a recommended age of 4 years. Although sometimes we may receive a 3-year-old child that we consider suitable for a fitting. Or a 5 year old child who we advise against it.

In addition, children's ears often grow very quickly. As a result, a set of custom-made earplugs may last only 1 year.

Ondanks dat slaap oordoppen ook voor kinderen geschikt zijn, raden we onder de 12 jaar aan om eerst contact met ons op te nemen. We kunnen dan samen met de ouders bespreken wat de beste keuze is.

How do you clean sleep earplugs?

De slaap oordoppen kun je met lauw water afspoelen. Je kunt hierbij ook eventueel een milde zeep gebruiken. We raden af om agressieve schoonmaakmiddelen te gebruiken bij het reinigen van je oordoppen, zo gaan je oordoppen langer mee. Het is tevens aan te raden om de oordoppen na gebruik goed te drogen.
Voor een intensieve schoonmaak hebben we echter ook tabletten en sprays beschikbaar.

Wat is het verschil tussen zachte en extra zachte siliconen oordoppen?

Het belangrijkste verschil zit in de zachtheid en flexibiliteit. Zachte siliconen oordoppen bieden een goede balans tussen comfort en geluidsisolatie. Ze passen goed in de gehoorgang en bieden degelijke demping. Extra zachte siliconen oordoppen zijn nog soepeler en zachter, waardoor ze bijzonder geschikt zijn voor mensen met gevoelige oren of voor langdurig gebruik. Door hun extra zachtheid oefenen ze minder druk uit op de gehoorgang, wat zorgt voor een hoger comfortniveau en minder kans op irritatie.

Daarnaast is er ook een verschil in kleurkeuzes: zachte siliconen oordoppen zijn beschikbaar in verschillende kleuren, terwijl extra zachte siliconen oordoppen in een beperkter aantal kleuren verkrijgbaar is, vanwege de specifieke materialen die worden gebruikt.

How are custom-made earplugs measured & manufactured?

Watch the video below:

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